Platform: Windows OS application
I was writing this application when one day I've got a list of Text locations which I wanted to put on a google maps or earth app. In order to do that, I needed to somehow translate the text to GPS coordinets. Single text location can be done on both tools Google Maps & Google Earth. Though this tool enables you to put in a database the text location and then run a google search on them.
- CSV Export
- KML Export
When all GPS locations have been recived you can ethier Export the data to CSV (comma seperated file), or KML (Keyhole Marking Language). KML is being used on the common GIS apps, such as Google Maps/Earth, Bing Maps, NavNGo iGo products. Each app got full description how to import the data in order to view it.
FetchGPS partial list of features:
- Save localy records of GPS locations
- export GPS locations to KML/CSV/TXT
- Import multiple text locations as a Txt file, and fetch their data